THE BEAUTY of a simply thing
With the Sigma BF, we present an uncompromising new vision for the digital camera. Stripped to the essence but packed with power, innovative yet rooted in the origins of photography, it is designed to accompany you throughout your day and to capture the spontaneous beauty of everyday life. The BF balances performance with simplicity and returns the focus to what matters most: your photographs.
Sølve Sundsbø
Future flowers
Sølve Sundsbø is inspired by sublimely beautiful forms of life – which don’t exist. The result? Flowers of a sort, frozen between eternity and ephemerality, between fantasy and reality.
Julia hetta
Julia Hetta, fresh from a residency in the Aizu region of Japan, presents a saga as true as it is poetic: a Japanese boy seeks the innermost spirit of Art, makes the long journey to Sweden – and ends up back in Japan.

We believe in quality and innovation without compromise. Every lens, camera and accessory is fully designed, sourced and engineered in Japan to meet our high expectations. The words "Made in Aizu, Japan" encapsulate our commitment to exceptional equipment that expands the possibilities of photography and filmmaking.
Sølve Sundsbø
Future flowers
We leven in een gigantische wereld, iets wat ’s nachts extra opvalt. De maan en sterren verlichten de hemel, maar hun afstanden verschillen enorm. Het licht van de maan doet er slechts een seconde over om de aarde te bereiken, terwijl het licht van sommige sterren tientallen, honderden of zelfs duizenden jaren onderweg is.
Julia hetta
Mijn passie voor fotografie begon onverwachts. Als assistent-architect op de universiteit,maakte ik foto's van een project in Milaan op verzoek van mijn professor. Door die lens ontdekte ik mijn ware roeping: verhalen vertellen met licht en perspectief.
Three product lines
Our lenses are organized into three distinct lines to clarify the intent and concept behind their design. These categories guide photographers in choosing the right lens without restricting their vision.
Cine lenses
Engineered for high-end filmmaking, our revolutionary Cine Lenses answer the needs of modern cinematic productions with outstanding quality.
The joy of photography goes beyond mere technical perfection. Our unique cameras are designed and engineered to inspire creativity in every moment
Sølve Sundsbø
Future flowers
Sølve Sundsbø is inspired by sublimely beautiful forms of life – which don’t exist. The result? Flowers of a sort, frozen between eternity and ephemerality, between fantasy and reality.
Julia hetta
Julia Hetta, fresh from a residency in the Aizu region of Japan, presents a saga as true as it is poetic: a Japanese boy seeks the innermost spirit of Art, makes the long journey to Sweden – and ends up back in Japan.
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